

InfantsWhen you choose ImagiNation Learning Center, you can be assured that your infant will build strong trusting relationships as he begins to notice and manipulate the world around him. Our dedicated teachers are committed to nurturing your child through individualized routines. Every interaction is an opportunity for a meaningful learning experience. We have built the foundation of our infant curriculum by providing a safe, secure, and stimulating environment.

Language & Literacy:
In the infant room every experience is rich with language. We listen, imitate and respond to the sounds our babies make, respecting these as the beginnings of communication. Books are the keystone of our curriculum which provides a hands-on connection to the spoken word.

Sensory & Science:
Eyes, ears, nose, hands and mouth - these are your baby's tools for learning. Each weekly theme is jam-packed with touching, feeling, squeezing, and squeaking. What a great way to discover the world!

Music & Movement:
Rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing, and walking. These highly anticipated developmental milestones are accomplished through a wide variety of playful activities. Our favorites are peek-a-boo, patty-cake, get that toy, and throw the ball. Songs and fingerplays enrich each day.

Foundations & Family:
You are your child's most important teacher. As a partner in your child's education, we offer a collection of theme related activities to enjoy with your family at home. When we work together, learning is all around.