

PreschoolersKindergarten readiness is the primary focus for your preschooler at ImagiNation Learning Center.  Our curriculum is carefully crafted to create a balance between independent discovery and teacher-guided instruction.  Opportunities abound in a curriculum packed with dramatic play, reading and writing, problem solving, creative projects, and lively discussions.

Language & Literacy:
It's all about words as your child enters the print rich environment of the preschool classroom.  The atmosphere is charged with the energy of the productive preschooler.  Writing, letter and sound recognition, name recognition, creative stories; there are so many literacy experiences going on in here, it is hard to name them all!

Sensory & Science: 
Who, What, When, Where and Why?  How does it work?  It's an amazing stage of discovery for your young Sherlock.   Our teachers love to collaborate with your preschooler as we observe plant growth, compare and contrast the shapes, sizes and colors of leaves, and chart the changes that occur with the seasons.

Creations & Colors: 
When you walk into our preschool classrooms, it's almost as if you have entered a museum.  Each creation is a reflection of your child's unique personality combined with an increasing knowledge of artistic tools and supplies.  Self expression is highly encouraged through the process of experimentation, deliberate choices, and natural talent.  Our teachers proudly display these preschool originals for your family's viewing pleasure.

Music & Movement: 
The Imagination Learning Songbook defines the preschool Music & Movement program.  Our teachers expose the preschoolers to a broad range of musical styles as each theme is presented.  In addition, music accompanies many daily routines.  It becomes a part of our lifestyle!  Some of our favorite games are "Red Light, Green Light" and "Bug in a Rug".  Preschoolers like games just for the sheer fun.  We like games because they help teach cooperation as well as healthy competition!

Manipulatives & Math:  
Legos, K'Nex, MagnaTiles, counting creatures, Unifix Cubes, graph paper, rulers, strings, and the Estimation Jar.  So many opportunities, so little time!  Your child begins to develop a more complex understanding of math in our preschool room.  Using all of the tools above, and many more, our teachers introduce and reinforce concepts such as matching, patterning, estimating, and simple addition/subtraction.

Foundations and Family:
"Is my child ready?", "Does he know his numbers and letters?", "What should we do at home to help?"  As your partner in your child's education, we support your family by offering a comprehensive assessment of your child.  Parent teacher conferences are scheduled twice yearly, portfolios and developmental assessments are ongoing, and we encourage you to help us set goals for success.