

TwoWhen you select ImagiNation Learning Center your two year old will explore a wide variety of activities designed to implement learning through personal experience, trial and error, repetition and imitation.  Our teachers facilitate this period of dramatic growth through patient guidance.  As we satisfy your two-year old's boundless strive for independence and self help, we introduce small and large group activities providing ample opportunities to practice social skills and team work.

Language & Literacy: 
The vocabulary of a two year old explodes from just a few words to several hundred in a very short period of time.  All developmental areas are impacted by this change.  Theme related books are the cornerstone of our two-year old curriculum.  They are used to reinforce the meaning of words and make connections to exciting new ideas.  During circle time we introduce a Word Calendar to further build vocabulary through concrete examples of their community.

Sensory & Science:
Tasting homemade applesauce, hearing the ocean in a seashell, seeing a baby bird, touching a pine cone, and smelling a newly opened flower.  As he discovers the natural world, a two-year old uses his five senses every day, every hour, every minute.  Learning though cause and effect; trial and error; and identification are the scientific skills your Little Einstein will use daily!

Creations & Colors: 
There is a beginning sense of mastery as your two-year old manipulates artistic tools.  Writing implements such as crayons, markers, and even pens and pencils become treasured possessions.  Scissors are able to capture the interest of an entire class.  Glue, paint and shaving cream allow children to create personal masterpieces...a two-year old's reflection of the weekly theme.

Music & Movement:
"The Wheels on the Bus"; "The Alphabet Song"; "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and many others are heard repeatedly as your two year old sings her way through the day!    Add in some handmade instruments and your child has become the leader of the band.  What an incredible tool for language development and social expression.  Large motor skills and coordination continue to improve as your two-year old participates in simple group games such as "Duck, Duck, Goose"; and "Simon Says".

Manipulatives & Math:
"Let's count the dinosaurs in the bucket; read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish; and sing ´5 Little Monkeys´!'"   Your two-year old begins to enjoy simple math concepts as he is provided a playful introduction to the patterns and structure of the environment.  In addition to using an assortment of manipulatives, our teachers include items from home and outside; to organize, arrange, count, and classify.

Foundations & Family: 
As your child moves through our two-year old program she is developing a number of new self-help skills.   Potty training, dressing, and table manners are skills practiced both at home and school.  With our combined efforts and mutual feedback, your child is on her way to becoming a successful preschooler!